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Times tables are crucial to mathematical development. Your child not only needs to know their times tables but they need to be able to recall them really quickly.

We have made a pamphlet  (here) with a few games in that you can play at home with your child to help improve/ speed up their times tables.  

You will need some resources- a pack of cards, a balloon, some counters, 0-9 dice (ask your teacher about where you can buy these.)


There are also certain patterns that you can look for when learning your time tables e.g.

4's  looking at the units you will notice that there is a pattern - 4, 8, 2, 6, 0 - this is repeated, this means that if you are not quite sure what the next number is in the 4's you can take a guess by just remembering the pattern!

5's the pattern is 5,0

6's the pattern is 6,2,8,4,0

7's -there is no pattern that's why they are so hard to learn

8's the pattern is 8,6,4,2,0

9's the digits always add up to 9 e.g.9, 18 (1+8=9), 27 (2+7=9)

10's always end in 0


There are also some rhymes that you can remember to help you with the 4 difficult ones!


Wakey, wakey rise and shine seven sevens are 49


I ate and ate and was sick on the floor

eight eights are 64

7x8=56 and 8x7 = 56

write the digits in the correct order e.g. 5678 then add the symbols 56=7x8

Have fun!

Times Tables Games

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